All Liberty Hill Labradoodle puppies are sold with a contract in place. The contract of a pet Australian Labradoodle puppy includes the spay/neuter of your puppy; females by 6 months and males by 8 months of age. The cost of a pet Labradoodle puppy is $3,000 + 8.25% sales tax, for a total of $3,247.50. To get on our wait list, a non-refundable deposit of $300 is due and the remaining balance ($2,947.50) is due by the time the puppies are 6 weeks old. Payment can be made with cash or check; checks must be cleared prior to pick up. Your spot on the waitlist and the priority of picking your puppy will go based on the order in which deposits are received. While we allow you to pick your puppy, we will do our best to help guide you towards the puppy with the personality that will best fit with you and your family and lifestyle.